Collaborating with artist, Adam Chodzko, The Young Associates Programme at Open School East have created a sound-scape, image and videos for Margate NOW visitors, in order to prepare them for the experience of being within the Sunken Garden.
All of these elements combine to provide a sensory experience for the visitors to the Sunken Garden.
Audio Guide
The sound-scape begins with the noises of everyday life in the town and transports the visitor into the space of a future winery set in the location of the Sunken Garden.
by Sam, Eridanus Kyren, and Dan Smith
A video revealing the haunted landscape and sounds lurking around an isolated Kent ‘ghost village’.
by Holly Hockley
A video which combines a man’s pacing around the inner perimeter of the Sunken Garden with a fantasy (or memory) of vegetable growing and strange dream-like sounds to produce a psychological space.