Black British History Mural

We’re so excited to see work starting on People Dem Collective’s ‘Black British History – Past & Present Icons’ mural at Dreamland on the seafront in Margate! You may have seen Ben Connors and Leondre Ansah hard at work over the weekend!

The project begun during Margate NOW 2020 with a zine produced by Sprankenstein Studio which was shared with young people in Thanet, inviting them to respond to and create artwork. The zine acts as a stepping stone for schools as they begin to think about Black British History and the devices that can be used to teach it.

In collaboration with People Dem Collective, artist Ben Connors has been designing the mural, highlighting the inspired drawings contributed.

Keep your eyes peeled to see the mural coming to life over the summer! 🌞 Stay tuned for more information on where you can submit your own masterpieces to be added to the mural.

This project is kindly supported by Kent County Council and KCC member Barry Lewis.